Tag Archives: Eukaryst

Lord Dying Rules The Merrow

Lord Dying on their limited tour at The Merrow!
(L to R: Bassist Matt Price, guitarist/vocalist Erik Olson, drummer Chase Manhattan and guitarist Chris Evans)

It was a hot night in July 8, and the Ugh Metal team had the fortune of returning to The Merrow for the second night in a row! The night before we went to the sweet show Metal Assault and Dark Gem Entertainment put together, if you missed out no prob! Read all about it here. If you did not catch our Firey Sides Chat with Lord Dying, feel free to catch up afterwards or during, who are we to judge? We didn’t remise the invitation Lord Dying guitarist Chris Evan and Bret August of Black Arrow Entertainment extended to us. It was truly an offer we could not refuse especially because it was Lord Dying’s limited engagement.

Jenny Oh: We be special! Lord Dying chose to come to our shitty town! *Weeps*

Chuggo: Emphasis on shitty. *Winks* Either way the Klown was looking forward for some booze and Bastard Saints!

J: The members from father’s cult? Why do you care so much about them? They don’t even share their Coronas with us. Bastards!

C: The Klown meant The Bastard Saints. And that’s okay, they can keep their shitty Corona lights! The Klown wants REAL beer. Such as the stuff they serve at The Merrow.

J: So I guess you’re not a beer slut after all, huh? But The Merrow sure serves delicious booze especially when you’re enjoying a nice gig from The Bastard Saints.

The Bastard Saints are far from lame with their brand of thrash!
(L to R: Bassist Rowland Bluntz, drummer Nick Trzos, vocalist/guitarist Fernando Ramirez, lead guitarist Jason Trzos)

C: Enough of the gratuitous advertisement of The Merrow’s big ass beer selection! Not that there was much advertisement to begin with. ON TO THE BASTARD SAINTS! They had the ability to bring the old school back to the new school.

J: Fernando Ramirez made us see colors and clouds every time he nailed them high notes! You go, boy! They even played a cool song we will be using for our revenge montage called “Wrath.”

C: Yeah! Death to O’Douls! The Klown shall wear his “Evil Crown,” no longer will he be the jester but the Klown King…

J:  Whoa there! Hold on there you angry little man…

C: Wrong concert dumbass! “Evil Crown” touched basis on the Teutonic thrash movement most famously pioneered by Kreator and Tankard. It was a good substitute if you didn’t have the chance to catch Kreator on the Decibel tour earlier this year.

Bassist Nick Trzos and vocalist/guitarist Fernando Ramirez of The Bastard Saints serenade the beer selection at The Merrow.

J: The Bastard Saints ended their set “Ripping the Stitch” which was just as ruthless as the title. This song had a foreboding sense of doom with great riffs from Ramirez and lead guitarist Jason Trzos. Snitches beware!

C: Now we go from raising our drinks to these Bastards and raising our guns!

J: With Raise The Guns! The trio became a quartet for the night by having their buddy, guitarist Chris Kim, join them for this performance.  Some fun facts about these guys is that Dylan Marks drums for this band aside from Beekeeper and Eukaryst, and the frontman/guitarist is Bret August. What can’t these guys do?

Raise your drinks for Raise The Guns!
(L to R: Guitarist Chris Kim, vocalist/bassist Bret August, drummer Dylan Marks and guitarist John McMillan)


C: The Klown has asked himself the same question but has yet to get an answer. Enough unanswered questions, it’s time to talk about the Guns! They shot off with their own brand of Thrash.

J: Raise The Guns shot up the place…with extreme adrenaline! Especially when they shined the light, the “Light Of Malice.” August’s presence commanded the stage and you knew he meant business and Chris’s enthusiasm was contagious. Who wouldn’t be after they get to play with a cool band?

C: I don’t know some plebeian? Pardon the first person, I’m pretty sober at the moment. Enough about the Klown, the song that stuck out to him was the song that should be made into a law, “Silence By Law.” The opening riff alone is enough to hook anybody!

Bret August of Raise The Guns is your neighborhood badass.

J: Indeed Klown their set was not long enough! But quality over quantity, if you guys ever have a chance you must catch Raise The Guns, it will be a decision you will not regret. Now because it was Sinday eve, we had to receive our Eukaryst.

C: We were treated to our local sacrament, at long last. Worth nothing since the sister already took Dylan Marks away from me as a fun fact, the Klown has one of his own. This is the band that has Belisario Dimuzio as a full time guitarist when Cattle Decapitation isn’t borrowing him.

J: Oh yeah! Well here’s another fun fact Klown, SCREW YOU! Also Dylan Marks was on double duty that night and drummed his heart out for Eukaryst too.

Vocalist of Eukaryst Ben Marotta preaching their prog death metal hymn.
(L to R: Guitarist Belisario Dimuzio, vocalist Ben Marotta, and bassist Gino Fontana)

C:  They indoctrinated us into their “Lost Tribe” of Prog Death Metal.

J: They added more emphasis on the death metal with “Eucharist.” This unholy beast comes right at you a la Facehugger and is sure to start a pit.

C: The only thing the Klown is thankful for is that there was no actual “Anthropophagy” happening at the time of the performance. He was beginning to think there was going to be some giving the state of some of their possessed congregates.

J: Not even Ben Marotta could resist the power of the Eukaryst and when he wasn’t growling like the creature from the black saloon, he was rolling on the floor succumbing to this possession.

C: I still wish they woulda showed the Klown where the actual “Witch  House” was. The Klown needs a booty call.

Ben Marotta of Eukaryst stars in the “Creature of The Black Saloon,” an Ugh Metal Production of course ;P

J: You’re too much of a bitch for her, but enough about you Klown. It was nice to finally see these locals in action especially after hearing so much about them.

C: Indeed*cough*bitch*cough* we were dying a bit from the musty air but the angels of doom,  Lord Dying, revitalized us.

J: They started off with their hit “A Wound Outside of Time” which has a starting riff that will give you all the right chills in all the right places. Though to be fair this whole song is teaming with amazing and definitive riffs.

C: Lest the Klown forget the pit it immediately started. He was a little flabbergasted because he is not used to seeing that in a doom/sludge show that often. With that pit it felt like “[All Hopes of a New Day] …Extinguished.”

All hails Lord Dying!
(L to R: Bassist Matt Price, guitarist/vocalist Erik Olson, drummer Chase Manhattan and guitarist Chris Evans)

J: Lord Dying resurrected some of their older stuff and briefly triggered a tiny existential crisis with “What Is Not…Is” which totally was where it’s at and it is what it is.

C: Settle down, Jenn-den Smith! Not even today’s top philosopher’s can decipher both of you! Here’s a bit from Klown-fucious, when you think there is light “Darkness Remains.”

J: With your shitty “philosophizing,” enlightenment is just a myth. But this song, however, is the shit especially when Chris Evans and Erik Olson lay down more super sweet guitar solos. Olson’s screaming vocals are sure to give any metalhead enlightenment.

BFFS/ Founders of Lord Dying, Erik Olson and Chris Evans, jamming side by side.

C: Olson’s vocals were harsh, but not too harsh. In fact, they were rather soothing despite of the harshness he incorporates. The rest of the band’s rhythm and melody suited the vocals like the perfect blend from your shitty Starbucks drink, right Jenny Oh?

J: As a newly enlightened person, I will ignore the low blow of bringing Starbucks in to our personal disputes but I will agree with the rest of your statement. I’m sure the rest of the gleeful and/or inebriated moshers would too. The pit was very much alive and well for the entirety of Lord Dying’s set. This special show worked all sorts of magic on the crowd.

C: The Klown concurs although he is weary as to why they sang about the Klown’s ex-girlfriend.

J: The snooty lady clown from Railing Bros.? She didn’t even know you existed. And I don’t think Lord Dying had the misfortune of seeing that three-ring shit show.

C: They may have and that bitch always likes to spread lies about not being with the Klown. She was always expecting the Klown to be “Suckling At The Teat Of A She-Beast.”

J: I doubt they garnered inspiration for this brutal song from your failed endeavors. It was a great song to close their night and yes the pit grew into a mighty whirlpool where fans were having their last hoorah. It was an honor to serve in the court of Lord Dying.

Erik Olson of Lord Dying’s voice is not of this world!

Firey Sides Chat: Lord Dying

Lord Dying may not be a badass new character from Game of Thrones or a new Castlevania villain but they are just as cool! These masters of sludgy doom have risen from their crypt and are preparing to ravage the west coast for three days thanks to Black Arrow Entertainment. This special tour which will kick off July 7 at the Tiki Bar in Costa Mesa, CA, make a stop here in our backyard at The Merrow on July 8 and wrap their limited run on July 9 at the Bootleg Theater in LA.

The Ugh Metal overlords had their personal ASSistants, Jennifer and Santi, chat with guitarist/co-founder Chris Evans before they embark on their tour. After exchanging heartfelt “Thank You’s” and friendship bracelets, the interns asked Chris some burning questions to get to know them a little better.

Chris Evans of Lord Dying
(Photo Courtesy of Lord Dying’s Facebook page)

Ugh Metal Staff: Is there a particular meaning behind the name “Lord Dying?”

Chris Evans: Maybe a little bit. It was a phrase we came up with or whatever. A long time ago, right before this band, we tossed around a lot of band names. We thought this one sounded pretty cool. Erik (Olsen, vocalist/guitarist of the band) and I grew up in Salt Lake City like amongst a lot of Mormons and stuff and all that so it kinda (he chuckled) it kinda was there. A metal response to that in some way.       

UMS: It’s really cool and its very Game of Throney, so I really like it.

C: (Laughs) Yeah.

UMS: (Laughs) How did you guys meet? I’m pretty sure there’s no Tinder for bands out there so give us the deetz, man.

C: (Laughs) Well the band…the core of the band has always been me and Erik who is the singer and the guitar player. We met in elementary school in 5th grade. He was wearing like a Metallica shirt or something and we started talking at recess and we’ve been going in bands on and off together since then.  We learned how to play guitar together and stuff. So yeah this is kind of the next thing that we did and you know in the meantime we met…we’ve played with a lot of people in this band we’ve had a lot of bassists and drummers kind of in and out just ‘cause of how much we tour and all that. Not a lot of people can keep up with this.   

Everyone laughs

 C: But currently we’ve got Matt Price (bassist) and Chase Manhattan (drums) on drums and bass they pay in a band called Behold! The Monolith. They’ve been around the group and we’ve already played together It’s been working out really good.

UMS: How was your journey as a band before getting signed to Relapse Records?

C: Like I said, me and Erik have known each other since elementary school so I was trying to start a band here in Portland and I just wasn’t gellin’ with the people I was playing with and Erik was at my house one day and he stepped in and we wrote our first two songs that night. We had a friend who played in a band called Black Elk (ex-bassist Don Capuano) and right around that time they broke up and we asked the bass player to join and he did.  Then we were looking for a good double kick drummer in and in Portland, at the time, there really weren’t any but we put the word out and a friend of ours told us a guy had just moved out here from Memphis, he played double kick and was looking for a band and we all just gelled really well and that’s how we got the band started.

Vocalist/guitarist Erik Olson and Chris Evans jammin’
(Photo Courtesy of Lord Dying’s FB page)

UMS: This one had us a little curious, out of all the subgenres why exactly did you choose sludge metal?

C: Well honestly we don’t choose the sub genre we’ve always called ourselves a metal band. And I guess all the other descriptors come from other people, maybe that’s how it ends up sounding. We’re fans of sludge for sure and doom and all that but we’re never trying to do any particular subgenre of metal.

UMS: What would you consider your main influences?

C: They change all the time. I’d say originally it was, like one band all of us agree on is Slayer and we were always in to like old thrash like Megadeth, Metallica and Slayer. But you know also things like High On Fire and more riffy stuff like Black Sabbath of course. We’re also in to a lot of calmer things, like me and Erik love Pink Floyd and a lot of progressive stuff… And Opeth maybe?

Everyone laughs.

UMS: What new things can we expect to see from Lord Dying in the future?

C: Well right now, except for the three shows were playing in Southern California, we’re pretty much taking a year off the road and we’ve just been writing every day.  We’re about halfway done writing the new album so we hope to hit the studio by the end of the year and have a new album next year and hit the road.

UMS: WHOA! Is it possible to know what kind of concept you guys are gonna do on this upcoming album?

C: Well there is but we’re kind of messing with it, the content of the album but it’s a little too early to say what we’re doing right now but it’s certainly, so far, quite a bit different than the stuff we’ve been doing.

UMS: So will you guys be experimenting in this album?

C: Yeah a little bit, we just finally decided to take the time to really sit and write and took our time to focus on like making the songs as good as we can. Some of that has taken a sort of different shape than our last couple of albums. Still heavy and hard but there’s also a lot of calmer stuff and maybe more progressive elements to it but we’re kind of just doing whatever we like at the time.

UMS: Man, it all sounds good either way. We can’t wait to hear what you guys are gonna offer.

C: Yeah we’re really excited about it. We love what we’ve come up with so far.

UMS: Is there a particular artist or band you’d like to collaborate and why?

C: Oh man. *sigh* I don’t know.

UMS laugh  

C: I know we’d love to tour with Slayer or Mastodon. Collaboration wise I don’t know, that would be a difficult thing.

Lord Dying and Kirk Windstein from the legendary Crowbar.
(Photo Courtesy of Lord Dying’s FB page)

UMS: What artist or band that is not considered “metal” is your guilty pleasure?

C: I would say the Alan Parsons Project. I think it’s great music I like the idea of that band where Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson wrote all the music and then hired musicians to play it. The concept of the music is all progressive and weird but the concept is super dark and I’ve always been a big fan of them.

UMS: Damn, I was shooting for Kenny G.

Everyone laughs.

UMS: What is the craziest experience you’ve ever had on tour?

C: Hmmm….I’m trying to think.

UMS: Ooooh! Whoa!

C: (Laughs) Oh no! I’m just trying to think there’s been plenty of debauchery. Maybe the craziest that comes to the top of my head is a show we played in LA with Toxic Holocaust it was at an unofficial tire place but they said they hadn’t sold a tire in years. It was in Compton, it got really crazy and the cops were surrounding it and while we played, the ghetto bird with the spotlight on us the whole time, and that was pretty crazy and Erik got to yell “Fuck the police, kill the police!” on stage so that was fun .

UMS laughs

Though Lord Dying has been around for seven years, they have managed to live the dream many bands hope to have one day. Expect to see more of these critically acclaimed doom masters in the future but while we wait, be part of this very special tour and catch them today (July 7) at the Tiki Bar, or for our local peeps catch them tomorrow (July 8) at The Merrow with Eukaryst, Raise The Guns and The Bastard Saints and On July 9 at the Bootleg Theater in the city of demons… I mean angels!

Not Your Mother’s Swap Meet

Metalheads outside the Queen Bees raise their horns for the Metal Swap Meet in 2015
(Photo courtesy of  Blake Morgan on YouTube)

San Diego may not be known as the metal city… yet, but this fine ass city offers a place where heathens can ditch their lairs for a moment and let down their L’Oreal hair. No, it’s not a goat sacrifice or a demon conjuring, but the annual Metal Swap Meet in broad daylight! This year’s gathering will be held on April 29 and will usher in its eighth birthday with a bigger location and bigger everything ‘cause Texas ain’t the only well endowed state.  

Before the Metal Swap Meet became the grand heavy metal ball, it was an intimate gathering that was held at Brian Parker’s drive way. Who is this fellow, you ask?! Why he’s the Metal Swap Meet supreme overlord/creator, silly! Parker created a haven for metalheads with an itch for some good metal and goodies.

“I used to work at a record store called Blue Meannie Records. It specialized in heavy metal, and was a gathering place for local people into metal music.” Said Parker when he dished out the origin story on the Metal Swap Meet. “I enjoyed the social environment, as well as the social aspect. When the music industry depression hit, the store was forced to close. After a few years, I started missing that atmosphere.”  

San Diego Metal Swap Meet offering all the goods in vinyl format in 2015.
(Photo courtesy of Blake Morgan on Youtube )

Parker along with his friend and fellow overlord, Israel Pelayo, partnered up to launch the first edition before joining forces with Jared Wills. These three musketeers nourished this get-together and transformed it into a staple in the San Diego metal scene with the help of their dedicated and faithful henchmen/volunteers.  Metal Swap Meet flew away from North Park after outgrowing Queen Bee’s and  reached capacity with a whopping 1,200 attendees! This year, however, Parker and co. are ready to reign the Quartyard located in Downtown San Diego from 11-5:30 which is sure to reach their capacity of 1,500.

Admission for the annual gathering will be $10, no virgin’s blood or arm carvings needed! Why should you spend $10? Glad you asked. Remember how I mentioned that this year is BIGGER? Aside from the spacious location, this year they’ll be having more than 40 vendors, food trucks, an actual bar (for 21+, sorry kiddies) and meet and greets. So you can bring your mother, your grandmother… you know what, just have your family reunion here because ALL AGES ARE WELCOME. Some of the high profile sponsors are none other than Metal Blade Records, Pabst Blue Ribbon and Dark Descent Records.

Once you gathered your fam, enjoy a musical set from DJ Katon W. de Pena who is also the vocalist of veteran thrash band Hirax. Did you love his set and Hirax? You can tell him yourself at the meet and greet! Pena is not the only legend gracing the greet by the way. This meet will also include the original Dark Angel vocalist Don Doty, former Metal Blade Records VP/ legendary music producer Bill Metoyer who has worked alongside many greats such as Slayer and Morbid Angel, and Nunslaughter vocalist Don “Don of the dead” Crostley.

Slaytanic killin it at the 2015 Metal Swapmeet at Queen Bees

Do you idolize Iron Maiden and their beloved Eddie? Well now you can meet and worship Eddie’s father, artist Derek Riggs who will be selling his very own prints and art book. And added to the meet and greet is none other than the Metal Swap Meet After Party headliners, Superjoint! The guys will be signing at 3:30 PM at Brick By Brick’s booth, you just gotta purchase a goodie from their booth before 1 PM to get the coveted wristband. Now, a BIGGER party needs a BIGGER closer right? So this year’s Metal Swap Meet reeled in Power Metal legends Jag Panzer to blow out this party’s candle and leave you ripped with epicness and merch! *Muscles and loin cloth not included. Good time guaranteed.*

Can’t wait for the 29th and wanna pre game really really badly?! No worries, the Soda Bar’s got you covered with the Metal Swap Meet’s official Pre-party on Friday, April 28. Feast on death metal from locals Condemned, Eukaryst, Sergulath and catch all the rogue waves with Dethsurf. REMEMBER, the fun does NOT end after the Metal Swap Meet. Assuming you’re not too high on all the metal goodness ahead of us, chill at the Brick By Brick and take a big hit of Phil Anselmo’s Superjoint at 8 PM! Be sure to get your tickets ASAP ‘cause tickets to this smoke circle are running out!

“In the future, I’d like to have heavy metal industry people giving music lessons, and tips. Also Comic Con style panels.” Said Parker when asked what his hopes are for the Metal Swap Meet’s future. “I’m a metal geek, and that’s stuff I would enjoy, and I don’t think I’m the only one.”

The Ugh Metal team along with the legion of rabid metalheads can confirm that you are not the only one, Mr. Parker. So be part of this fun metal shindig and see ya there with our horns held high!