Tag Archives: Made of Machine And Body Parts

The Missed Trials: Nukem & Squirrelly Arts

Editor’s note: Whoa! What’s with the “Really J-Oh?! This stuff is, like,  old you’re not a real music journalist!” Though you are right on the last six words of your pointless insults, THIS IS THE MISTRIALS! *Sparta kicks* Duh! So sit back and let these babies shine and shimmer.

Nukem Converts With ‘The Unholy Trinity’

Local thrash legends-in-the-making Nukem delivered their debut album The Unholy Trinity on Sept. 16, 2016 via Sleaszy Rider Records. Nukem help me declare war on my worthless enemies with “WarWolf” with a strong, sexy but independent riff from vocalist/guitarist Steve Brodgen. My dog, man! The Lunacy approved and might possibly cover this track on Nattevakt’s next album. The riff was mighty that it caused the vengeful “Evelyn’s Awakening” to come and hex us all in this wild and fun adventure. Brogden and company continue to fuel your appetite with “Atomic Age” and have axe goddess/live guitarist Laura Christine and bassist Don Lauder show us the raw power of their mighty riffs in “The Deceiver.” Brogden strikes you with that high note before unleashing his rifftastic fury and thick vocals in “Bloodseeker.”

As you approach the end of this thrashy fallout, Nukem softens the blow of this realization with the amazing instrumental intro of “Lethal Injection” before releasing the heavy metal hound on you. After walking and moshing in this nuclear metal land, the acoustic “Lucida Sidera” celebrates your metal journey. Missed out on their debut 2015 self titled EP? No problem! Nukem concludes with their classic thrash anthem, “Nukem All” where Brogden and Christine have mesmerizing riff war.

Nukem obliterates all expectations with their debut LP and leaves a residual radiation that will make the Geiger counter throw its horns up. You think this album was good? Then see what we thought about them on their last performance of 2017 here and jump into the action yourself and get this album here. Is that not enough?! Check out their music video for “Evelyn’s Awakening.

6 Out 6,  They Nuked us all!

Squirrelly Arts Are On A Mission To Take Over

The local industrial rockers Squirrelly Arts have released their five song EP Made of Machine And Body Parts independently on June 2. The quintet points their attention grabbing “Index Finger” at ya. You’ll be mesmerized by the beginning riffs by lead guitarist D3V01D, that pounding courtesy of drummer Goreskin and Korpse’s bass strums. If that instrumental ensemble wasn’t enough to catch your attention, just wait for vocalist Vikki SexXx’s growl which will pierce your ears while back up vocalist Emma-O pins you down till you gladly succumb to their will.

In the appropriately titled “Second” and “Rock Star” VexXx’s shows us that not only can he growl but that he can also bark and bite! In these tracks, Korpse and Goreskin shine and compliment the intensity and rage projected by the vocals. Squirrelly Arts’ industrial style is a little more dominant and slow down their tempo for “Destroy Kill” allowing the array of instruments and German play tracks really soak in ‘cause industrial! Machine…ends with their dominant genre and give us a dancey and slower industrial remix of “Rock Star.” Can’t wait to hear this track bumpin’ in Club Sabbat? Me too!

Squirrelly Arts flirt a lot more with the metal sound and burst out with a sharper edge without losing their industrial touch. Made of Machine And Body Parts will not only feed the lil goth that lives inside you but it will also indulge the nostalgic 90’s hell child in you. Be sure to pick up this EP in this link and check out their earlier goods in their bandcamp. If you’re still a little curious about this elusive quintet keep your eyes peeled for our First Impressions (coming soon) and like them on Facebook!

5 Out 6, For the industrial metal lover in you!